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Tempo: a declarative concurrent programming language

The ideal of declarative programming is that a program acts as its own specification, which gives many well known benefits, e.g.:

Unfortunately, even "declarative" languages tend to resort to imperative ("non-logical") features for some purposes, particularly for interaction with their environment, e.g., I/O. This is perhaps especially true in concurrent programming, where a lot of programming effort goes into ensuring that processes correctly interact with each other.

Concurrent logic programming languages (e.g., Parlog, KL1, etc.) are declarative in the sense that a program explicitly describes the final result (if any) that it computes. However, the other aspects of a program's behaviour have to be preserved by proper use of the language's control features (e.g., modes). (Reactive programs are often not intended to produce a final result, and these cannot be considered declarative at all.)

Tempo is an attempt to solve this problem. Tempo is a declarative language based on classical first-order logic, which has a simple, concurrent, procedural interpretation. It improves on traditional concurrent logic programming languages in that a program can explicitly specify its safety properties, not just the final result computed (which is a special case of a safety property). This means, for example, that a Tempo program can be manipulated using standard program transformation techniques without affecting its correct behaviour.

The following documents on Tempo are available:

A prototype implementation is also available.

Steve Gregory

Steve Gregory, steve@cs.bris.ac.uk. Last modified on Monday 12 June 2000 at 15:51. © 2000 University of Bristol