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Derivation of concurrent algorithms in Tempo

Steve Gregory. 1996.
In LOPSTR95: Fifth International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, M. Proietti (Ed.). Springer-Verlag.

Tempo is a logic programming language that has recently been designed with the aim of allowing concurrent programs to be written in a more declarative manner than existing languages. One of the benefits of declarative programming is the potential for systematic derivation of programs -- the subject of this paper. Here we present a few transformation rules that can be applied to Tempo programs, and then describe in detail the derivation of some concurrent algorithms in Tempo. An outline of the Tempo language is also included in order to make the paper self-contained.

The full paper is available in gzipped PostScript format.

Steve Gregory

Steve Gregory, steve@cs.bris.ac.uk. Last modified on Monday 12 June 2000 at 15:36. © 2000 University of Bristol